Friday, September 12, 2008


I lied.

The guy skins will not be released until after I remake the store. But, the bright side is that I already started building the store and redoing my posters. oo; ! - woot. Also, I have been working on the body of my new girl skin so that is getting done quicker then I had thought.

I'm going to be hosting a SALE from tonight at 12 until however long it takes me to make my new shop and other things. So, most items will be marked down alot. Skins will be 250. Outfits, 75.

shirts and other cheap stuff like 35-40. <3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Like I've told you before, I adore that skin you're working on. I am so nervous to start on some new ones. I like minajunk's and would love to do something in that sort of "japanese beauty" but don't think I could pull it off.

What I love most about your skin is it has that natural beauty and there is even a hint of blemish and pore texturing. The nipples are also the bomb too- people really focus on that stuff... prolly cause their avi is a whore. Haha! Anywho, I hope you're doing well and you should post that pic that you made the other day (the one with the guitar).

<3 Ellie