Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I'm not good at this SL - Store owning/making/designing type thing.

- I'm not responsible.
- I ditch idea's quickly.
- I am never satisfied with my stuff.
- I can't stand commitment because it'll pressure me to bail.

I was suppose to be apart of a friends project and I just feel like I am going to kill myself with the anxiety and like suffer to death because I feel trapped and I feel like I am going to let down people.

FIRST OFF - my stuff isn't that great. It's okay, it's maybe even good, but I am nowhere good enough to be apart of some huge project that is suppose to have AMAZING stuff. So, call me negective but I don't care. I don't want to embarrass myself and try and fail and have people secretly talk shit and have to go by someone elses designed building that isn't [ ME ] at all.

AND IF I SAY ANYTHING LIKE, " Oh, maybe blah blah blah blah ' . It should look different or be alot smaller or not so many windows or so plain. " I get made out like a bad person and like I am discrediting their work. I'm not! It's just not ME, I, VYLORNA DEMAR, ANTOINETTE (cantsaymylastnamePSYCHO's) .. sighsighsigh. I get too worked up, I suppose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your work is amazing! That's why you got invited into the special project. Honestly, if it feels overwhelming, tell them you can only be a part of it sometimes- that it's not really your thing to commit like that. If they dun understand then screw them. XD

<3 Ellie